Script to Calculate SSC CGL 2018 Tier-2 Marks

SCRIPT to Calculate SSC CGL 2018 Tier 2 Marks

Script SSC CGL 2018 Marks

Hello Friends,
The commission has uploaded the answer keys for SSC CGL 2018 Tier 1. You may quickly check your marks by using the script given below:

Step 1 : Click Here and Open your answer key by filling required details. (Use Chrome Browser).
Step 2: Now right click and go to inspect element (or press control+shift+i simultaneously).
Step 3: Go to "Console" and Paste the script given below and press Enter.

Code For Math:

const cn=document.querySelectorAll(".main-info-pnl tbody tr")[2].lastElementChild.innerText,qt=document.querySelectorAll(".questionRowTbl"),mt=document.querySelectorAll(".menu-tbl");var rc=0,wc=0;let fs;for(var tik=0,i=0;i<qt.length;i++){const e=qt[i].querySelector(".rightAns");if(e){const t=mt[i].querySelectorAll("td.bold")[2].innerText;"1"!=t&&"2"!=t&&"3"!=t&&"4"!=t||(tik++,e.innerText.substring(0,1)==t?rc++:wc++)}}alert(cn+" Your Score Is: "+(fs=2*rc-.5*wc)+"\nPowered By:");

Code For English

const ra=document.querySelectorAll(".rightAns");let _t,_r=0,_w=0;for(var i=0;i<ra.length;i++){const e=ra[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement,t=e.querySelector(".menu-tbl tr:nth-child(3n) td.bold"),r=e.querySelector(".menu-tbl tr:nth-child(2n) td.bold").innerText;"Answered"!=r&&"Not Answered"==r||(ra[i].innerText.substr(0,1)==t.innerText&&_r++,ra[i].innerText.substr(0,1)!=t.innerText&&_w++)}alert("Your Total Score Is: "+(_t=_r-.25*_w)+"\nPowered By");

Note: Score will not contain marks for wrong questions.

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